I have been with NEM for many years and thoroughly enjoyed it under your previous leadership, I remember talking with you on Telegram occasionally even. That is what my warning is about, you see NEM currently has this issue where the discussions have moved away from message boards and forums such as reddit & NEM forum.
Now much of the discussion is done via Telegram this creates a huge problem with properly archiving questions and discussions that are unseen to the public and potential speculators on the tokens. This is a huge problem and NEM has already decided they need a community engagement program to repair the community.
I don’t want to see this happen with ProximaX as well because when the discussions happen on Telegram it migrates the community there and makes the forums and reddit appear dead which gives the disillusion that a project has no community! I really think a policy should be implemented both by NEM & ProximaX to encourage discussions to be brought back to the forums and have the group chats be about prices or p2p exchanging?
I do not know the solution but I thought it best to warn you because I have seen lots of posts of the ProximaX telegram group lately, I do not want it to have the same fate as NEM where people now mistake it for dead because forums and message boards are empty of discussions.
Thank you for your feedback. We appreciate people like you who open up to us to improve our engagements. It shows sincere support for the project to succeed further. The reason why we put up the forum in the first place is to create a trace of discussions primarily for technical guidance and reference. Like most developers, I rely on forum discussions to pull together ideas from different perspectives. It’s an essential aspect of doing R&D work. It’s not to say though that it should only be used for technical references; a forum is also a useful tool for an engaging audience, which also helps with exposure.
I admit that there is a lack of engagement from our side except for telegram, and I can tell you that we are trying to improve in this regard. One of the ideas that came up is to have a community manager that can plan, strategize, and execute an engagement strategy (including policies) on all social media and open forums. It’s good to note, though, that it will take multiple personalities to drive a level of exposure. Even if we do have a community manager, it will still heavily rely on other people’s engagement from our internal team and, more importantly, the community to extend that exposure to other channels.
Though one can argue that the internal team should be spearheading this, that’s easier said than done, primarily because we’re all occupied with our respective responsibilities, but rest assured that we recognize and will do our best to improve our engagement activities.
I greatly appreciate your response & I have been proud to see the recent updates & price increases against BTC, hopefully XPX will not remain a microcap for long, your team really does operative like a top 20 coin. Here is hoping we can combine the effort of our communities for the correct launch of SYMBOL. It needs to be ranked a top 30 coin to be even considered for many next generation hardware wallets, I don’t foresee this being a problem for long though with the amount of competition now in the HW industry.
I still urge the ProximaX team to be in communications with some of the prominent hardware wallet manufacturers as to encourage collaboration to get XPX supported on one soon! Best of luck, thanks again for the response!
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